PMS G.K. Complete Past Paper 2023 (with solutions)


PMS 2023 G.K. Paper

MCQs (Solved)

PMS 2023 GK Past Paper. All solved MCQs of G.K. PMS paper are given below.

1. Ozone Day is celebrated on _____________. 

16 September

2. Human Rights Day is celebrated on ______________. 

10 December

3. First Secretary General of OIC was _________. 

Tunku Abdur Rehman

4. Second Governor General of Pakistan was __________. 

Khawaja Nazimuddin

5. Last Viceroy Of India was ____________. 

Lord Mountbatten

6. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan died in the year ____________. 


Note: The exact date was 10 October. 

7. Queen Elizabeth II died on _________. 

8 September

Note: The year was 2022. 

8. Sino-Indian War took place in the year __________.


Note: Sino stands for China. 

9. Tashkent Agreement was signed in the year 1966 between Ayub Khan and Indian PM ___________. 

Lal Bahadur Shastri

10. RCD was established in the year _________.


11. ECO was established in the year _________.


12. NATO was created in _________. 


13. First Pakistani leader to visit China was ________________.

Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy

Note: He was the PM of Pakistan at that time when he visited China in 1956. 

14. Length Of Pakistan-China Border is ____________. 

600 Km

Note: The exact answer is 596 km. However, the options were given according to the closest 100th number. So the closest becomes 600km. 

15. Number of countries sharing border with Pakistan are _______. 


Note: Include China, Afghanistan, Iran and India. 

16. Second US President was __________. 

John Adams

17. First Governor of State Bank of Pakistan was _____________. 

Zahid Hussain

18. First census in Pakistan was conducted in the year __________.


19. Sui gas was discovered in Pakistan in the year _________.


20. Mughal Emperor who is buried in Lahore is ___________.

(a) Shah Jahan       (b) Aurangzeb         (c) Babur       (d) None of these

None of these (Jahangir). 

Note: Shah Jahan is in Taj Mahal (Agra, India), Aurangzeb is in India, Babur is in Kabul, Afghanistan. In Lahore, Jahangir is buried. 

21. Penicillin was discovered by __________. 


22. Electrons were discovered by ___________. 

J.J. Thomson

23. Flag of Pakistan was designed by _________. 

Amiruddin Kidwaii

24. India performed second nuclear tests named Pokhran II in the year _______. 

May 1998

Note: The same year Pakistan conducted Chaghi-I nuclear tests (the first of the country) on 28 May 1998. 

25. WTO was founded in the year _________. 


Note: the exact date is 1st January 1995. 

26. Founder of Facebook is ___________. 

Mark Zuckerberg

27. Elon Musk does not own the following company __________.

(a) SpaceX       (b) Tesla         (c) Neuralink        (d) WWE 


28. Who is the father of computer?

Charles Babbage

29. Who laid the foundation stone of Quaid Mausoleum? 

Ayub Khan

Note: Ayub Khan laid the foundation in 1960, it was inaugurated by Yahya Khan in 1971. 

30. Which of the following country is not a member of SAARC?

(a) Bangladesh      (b) Bhutan         (c) Nepal          (d) Myanmar 


31. Which of the following country is not a member of ASEAN?

(a) Bangladesh       (b) Cambodia        (c) Malaysia        (d) Philippines 


32. The first state who acceded to Pakistan on 15 August was ____________. 


33. Who won 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature? 

Abdulrazak Gurnah

34. Third Cricket World cup was won by _____________. 

(a) India          (b) Australia           (c) England           (d) Pakistan 


35. The parent organization of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is ___. 


36. Who was Jair Bolsonaro?

President of Brazil

37. Formula of Quartz is?


38. The only continent without any desert is __________. 


39. Pakistan's rank in Happiness Index of 2023 is __________.  


40. Memory is ___________ and Storage is __________. 

(a) temporary, permanent  (b) permanent, temporary  (c) slow, fast  (d) none 

Temporary, Permanent

41. Which of the following terms means to add a graphic directly from already available graphics in the word file? 


42. The book "Foreign Policy Dilemma of Pakistan" is written by _________.

Shamshad Ahmad

43. Waris Shah is the author of which folk tale: 

(a) Heer Ranjha    (b) Sassi Punnu    (c) Sohni Mahiwal   (d) Mirza Sahiban 

Heer Ranjha

44. Current head of Taliban government is: 

(a) Amir Muttaqi (b) Haibatullah Akhundzada (c) Hassan Akhund  

Haibatullah Akhunzada

45. Pakistan adopted the National Flag on ____________. 

August 11, 1947

46. Writer of "The Sole Spokesman" is ____________. 

Ayesha Jalal

47. How many Governor Generals served in Pakistan? 


48. Rishi Sunak became the PM of UK after his predecessor _________. 

Liz Truss

49. Constitution Day in Pakistan was celebrated on ________. 

10th April

50. How much percentage of Kashmir is under Chinese control?


51. How much percentage of Kashmir is under Indian control?


52. Haemoglobin is soluble in:

(a) Alkali       (b) Alcohol      (c) Benzene       (d) Water


53. Synonym of "Virtue" is: 


54. Total number of SDG Goals are:

17 Goals

55. Amnesty International works for: 

Protection Of Human Rights

56. Current Secretary of State in USA is:

Antony J. Blinken

55. The Current President of Brazil is:

Lula De Silva

56. First princely state to join Pakistan was: 


57. Which country recently joined EU in Jan 2023?


58. Nancy Pelosi has been in the news for the controversial visit to __________. 


59. In email, BCC stands for __________. 

Blind Carbon Copy

60. Default orientation of page in MS Word is __________. 

(a) Landscape     (b) Portrait          (c) Double Page Portrait       (d) None of these


61. The current PM of Saudi Arabia is ____________.

            (a) Salman Bin Abdul Aziz         (b) Muhammad Bin Salman 

            (c) Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz      (d) Muhammad Saud

Muhammad Bin Salman

Note: Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS) is the crown prince of Saudi Arabia as well as the PM (head of government). His father Salman bin Abdul Aziz is the king of Saudi Arabia. 

62. Sukarno belonged to which country?


Note: He was the former President of Indonesia. 

63. Pasteurization of milk depends on _________ of the milk. 

(a) Temperature       (b) Composition    (c) Fluid flow       (d) Quantity

64. Strong winds revolving around the low pressure is called ___________. 

(a) Typhoon       (b) Tornado          (c) Cyclone         (d) Hurricane 


65. The most destruction in Tsunami is caused by ___________. 

(a) Height       (b) Momentum      (c) Cold Water           (d) Unpredictability 


66. Laser Beam technology is used in ________. 

(a) Magnetic disk     (b) Magnetic tape      (c) Optical Disk        (d) Flash disk

Optical Disk

67. First princely state to join Pakistan was Bahawalpur

68. Bakelite 

69. Which country is the largest supplier of arms to Pakistan:

        (a) US       (b) UK         (c) China            (d) France


70. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide:

    (a) Lactose           (b) Fructose           (c) Glucose           (d) Galactose


71. Who is called the "Protein Factory"?


72. Fred Hollows foundation is an international organisation who works for?

Eliminating avoidable blindness

73. Decrease in the air temperature with increasing altitude is called ___________. 

Vertical Temperature Gradient

74. The most populous city in the world is _____________. 

(a) Shanghai         (b) Tokyo               (c) New York         (d) London


75. Which US president never visited Pakistan:

       (a) Eisenhower        (b) Bush         (c) Barrack Obama        (d) Johnson


76. Which of the following has maximum water content:

     (a) Fruits        (b) Vegetables        (c) Legumes           (d) Tubers


77. Mocenthones was the ambassador in the times of:

     (a) Alexander       (b) Napoleon      (c) 

78. Oldest freezing method used for food preservation is:

              (a) Blast Freezing                    (b) Cryogenic freezing

             (c) Brine Freezing                     (d)Immersion Freezing

Brine Freezing

79. SI unit of energy is:

       (a) Joule     (b) Watt      (c) Newton      (d) 


80. Solve the equation: -8/20 -(9/2) -1/2

81. Which of the following college was established in 1870:

     (a) Islamia College Lahore        (b) Govt College Lahore 

     (c) M.A.O College                      (d) Punjab Training College

Govt. College Lahore

82. "Shahr-e-Sukhan Arasta" book is written by:

Ahmed Faraz

83. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi was not:

    (a) Short Story writer   (b) Poet   (c) Columnist    (d) Novelist


84. Which of the following is not a non-state actor:

     (a) NATO    (b) AI    (c) ISIS    (d) Red Crescent 


Note: NATO is an intergovernmental organisation. 

85. Iranian Deputy Minister Alireza Akbari was hanged in Jan 2023 for spying for:

    (a) Mossad     (b) MI-6    (c) CIA      


86. If 5 men paid 30,000 for staying at a hotel room for 3 days, for how many days can 6 men stay at the hotel for 70, 0000. 

Note: Hypothetical numerical terms but the concept was same. 

87. Book "Mehr-e-Doneem" was written by:

Iftikhar Arif

88. Charged particles that travel from the sun through space are called:

     (a) Aurora    (b) Radiation      (c) Solar wind     (d) Solar Flares

Solar wind

89. Bakelite is an ________.

     (a) Conductor     (b) Insulator      (c) Metal         (d) Semi-conductor


90. Butter and Margarine are examples of ___________. 

    (a) Gel mixture    (b) Emulsion   (c) 


91. Maulana Shibli Naumani died in:


92. Kashmiri leader Zakir Musa was killed by India in which year:


93. The gas which controls the atmospheric temperature:


94. Total members of ASEAN are:


Anyone who remembers the other MCQs, comment below. So we can complete the 100 MCQs for future reference. 
Also if you think that the answer of an MCQ is wrong, do correct in the comments with the reference to the source. 


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